March 25, 2021

Telus multiple system integration

ZigiOps successfully connected Dynatrace & Cherwell systems to MF OpsBridge

Case studies

Integrating multiple IT monitoring and management systems can revolutionize an organization's ability to monitor, analyze, and respond to critical infrastructure and application issues. Seamless data exchange between tools like Dynatrace, SolarWinds, Splunk, and OBM enables comprehensive insights, reduces response times, and streamlines IT operations, fostering improved decision-making and operational efficiency.

Client Overview

Telus, a leading telecommunications company, offers a broad range of communication products and services including internet, television, and telephone. With a vast network infrastructure and a commitment to providing top-tier service, Telus relies on various IT monitoring tools to maintain its operations and ensure high service availability and performance.

The Integration Challenge

Our TELUS customer faced the challenge of effectively integrating data from several critical systems—Dynatrace, SolarWinds, Splunk, and OBM (Operations Bridge Manager). The need was to ensure that alerts, topology data, and events from these systems could be seamlessly shared and managed, allowing for comprehensive monitoring and rapid response to potential issues.  

Without integration, the telecom company encountered fragmented data views, operational silos, and inefficient manual processes. This lack of integration hindered the synchronization of critical data, resulting in delayed responses to incidents and increased operational complexity.

About ZigiOps

ZigiOps is a powerful integration platform that facilitates seamless data flow between various IT management tools. It is designed to connect disparate systems, ensuring real-time synchronization and data consistency, and supporting complex workflows across different platforms. With its flexible architecture and robust capabilities, ZigiOps enables organizations to bridge the gaps between their monitoring, management, and analytics tools efficiently.

The Solution to the integration use case

To address its integration needs, our customer utilized ZigiOps to connect Dynatrace, SolarWinds, Splunk, and OBM. Here’s how ZigiOps helped streamline its IT operations:

SolarWinds Integration:

  • Alerts: ZigiOps polls SolarWinds alerts and sends them to Operations Agent (OA) for processing.
  • Topology: ZigiOps also polls SolarWinds topology data and transfers it to OA, ensuring that Telus has an up-to-date view of network devices and their statuses.

Dynatrace Integration:

  • Topology: Dynatrace topology data is polled by ZigiOps and sent to OA, enabling Telus to track application performance and infrastructure dependencies.
  • Problems: Dynatrace problems are sent via a custom webhook to the ZigiOps listener, which then creates new events in OBM through OA. This real-time problem forwarding ensures that critical issues are addressed promptly.

Splunk Integration:

  • Alerts: Splunk alerts are polled by ZigiOps and sent to OA, allowing the telecom company to incorporate log analytics insights into their overall monitoring strategy.

OBM Synchronization:

By integrating these data sources with OBM, ZigiOps provides TELUS with a unified view of their IT environment, facilitating comprehensive incident management and operational visibility.

"ZigiOps has been transformative for us. The seamless integration of Dynatrace, SolarWinds, Splunk, and OBM has greatly enhanced our monitoring capabilities, allowing us to respond to incidents faster and with greater accuracy. ZigiOps has significantly streamlined our workflows and reduced operational silos, making our IT operations more efficient and effective." said John Doe, IT Operations Manager

Benefits of Integration with ZigiOps

  • Real-Time Data Flow: ZigiOps ensures real-time synchronization of alerts, topology, and events, providing Telus with immediate insights into their IT environment.
  • Operational Efficiency: Automated data transfer reduces manual intervention, minimizing errors and operational bottlenecks.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Comprehensive integration allows for a consolidated view of systems, improving incident management and decision-making.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: ZigiOps's adaptable architecture supports Telus's dynamic IT infrastructure, accommodating future growth and changes.

With ZigiOps, the telecommunication company has successfully bridged the integration gaps between their critical IT systems, leading to more streamlined operations, better incident management, and enhanced overall performance.

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