BMC Atrium Integration Cases: UCMDB and ServiceNow
Integrate BMC Atrium: common cases with UCMDB and ServiceNow
Monitoring tools enable companies foresee any discrepancies in their environments, prior they have escalated into issues which affect customers. Being part of the BMC family, the Atrium module stores information about the configuration items (CIs) in your infrastructure and the relationships between them. Atrium allows you to mitigate any arising risks, prior they have escalated and turned into incidents.
BMC Atrium UCMDB Integration
The first scenario we will look at is how to connect Atrium and OpsBridge as an example. When your teams are using both tools, it is necessary to have them synchronized as to avoid any discrepancies in the monitored items. ZigiOps automatically extracts/listens for new items which are present in Atrium but need to be monitored in UCMDB as well.
The integration platform transfers CIs in real-time (or in a predefined interval) and keeps both Atrium and UCMDB aligned at all times. All related and custom fields such as name, ShortDescription, instanceId, classId and other are also synchronized between the two systems. ZigiOps checks for updates in both Atrium and UCMDB and whenever there are any in one of the systems, it transfers them to the other.
BMC Atrium ServiceNow Integration
Another popular tool which also has a topology module is ServiceNow. Many organizations leverage this and use it for monitoring purposes. Connecting BMC Atrium with ServiceNow to keep both systems in sync is the other case we are looking at. The configuration of the integration between ServiceNow and Atrium CMDB is similar to the one with UCMDB and serves a similar purpose. Whenever there are missing CIs in ServiceNow or Atrium, ZigiOps collects and transfers them to the respective system.
The integration platform regularly checks for updates in both software and syncs them. This in turn keeps all configuration items and their relationships in your environment in complete sync. Interested to learn more? Book a technical session with our experts and see how this works live.