Jira Jenkins integration

Set your Jira Jenkins integration in a few clicks, optimize workflows and improve the continuous data integration at your organization.

Data Types: Builds, Jobs, Projects, Pipelines, Tickets

Jenkins (jobs) → Jira (Tickets)

Jenkins (builds) → Jira (Tickets)

Jira Jenkins integration Case

Integrating DevOps (Development and Operations) systems with other DevOps systems is crucial for creating a well-coordinated and efficient software development and delivery pipeline. DevOps emphasizes collaboration and automation, and integrating different tools within the DevOps ecosystem helps achieve these goals.

Our no-code integration platform effortlessly connects Jenkins with Atlassian’s Jira DevOps solution, ensuring a smooth data flow between teams and departments. Important data is easily accessible, and stakeholders have a clear view on important projects and operations.

Let’s imagine the following scenario. Both Jenkins and Jira are part of a company’s IT ecosystem. With their help, developers on both sides track and monitor critical for the business operations, metrics and actions. Yet, those systems are not connected so that they can communicate data clearly and without the possibility of errors.

Jenkins’ team operates and manages the flow of jobs and builds, while the Jira team – the stream of tickets that need resolution. An integration would help them transfer the Jenkins jobs/builds faster to the Jira instance and log them as tickets for remediation.

When deployed into the company’s IT ecosystem, ZigiOps instantly fetches the desired data from Jenkins (builds and/or jobs) and sends it straightforwardly to Jira.

Once inside the Jira system as tickets (along with their corresponding details), the Jira team can take a closer look into them and start working on them. Due to ZigiOps advanced functionalities, the Jira team can perform detailed filtering based on name, type, description, default value, and more.

We’ll assume that we want to transfer just failed or just the successful builds from Jenkins to Jira.

Why ZigiOps?

Why choose ZigiOps for your Jira Jenkins integration?

Jira and Jenkins are often found in the tech stack of mid to large-scale companies. Both comprehensive DevOps solutions, one IT team uses Jira to manage and track their tasks and projects, while the other IT team relies on Jenkins to monitor for faulty builds/jobs.  

Despite their frequent use and popularity among DevOps-oriented IT departments, many companies do not have the two systems connected in any way that would allow the smooth data transfer between them. As a result, teams would have to manually log the desired data from one system to another. Unintentional errors and faulty data may occur and even become a frequent event. Delays and misunderstandings between the company’s IT may also happen, leading to a high level of frustration among end-users and employees.

The Jira Jenkins integration can automate the process and solve lots of problems. Workflows are streamlined and the overall visibility on crucial for the business data is enhanced significantly.

Failed jobs and/or builds in Jenkins are easily processed and timely resolved with the help of the Jira DevOps team. This means that a successful integration between the systems is critical for the collaboration of responsible departments.

ZigiOps is a fully no-code integration platform that enables seamless integration faster and easier even for non-technical personnel. ZigiOps effortlessly handles even the most complex integration use cases and executes them in just a few clicks.

By using ZigiOps as an integration solution, companies make it possible for their IT teams to collaborate in real-time, no matter where they are, work in synchronization, and resolve customer-related issues faster.

A Jira Jenkins integration with ZigiOps allows flexible transfer of all data types from one DevOps team to another DevOps team. It is highly scalable, and your integration can grow and transform together with your needs.

Why do a Jira Jenkins integration?

Integrating Jira and Jenkins can provide numerous advantages for software development and project management teams. Both Jira and Jenkins are popular tools in the DevOps and software development ecosystems and integrating them can streamline workflows and enhance collaboration.

Both DevOps teams will not need to login to multiple systems or communicate important details over phone or chat. Manual transfer of data back and forth often leads to escalating information silos and long list of mistakes and unacceptable omissions.

The Jira Jenkins integration makes it easier for the company’s IT teams to continue to use the tools of their preference without worrying about misunderstanding and data leaks during data transfer.

All necessary information will be automatically present in the other system. The effect of having the Jira Jenkins integration is minimized errors and boosted productivity. Quality control happens faster, while CI/CD and reporting is kept at highest.

How beneficial is the Jira Jenkins integration?

The integration of Jira and Jenkins is a highly advantageous combination for software development teams. It creates a seamless workflow by linking Jira’s issue tracking with Jenkins’ automated build and deployment capabilities, streamlining the development process and reducing manual interventions.

This integration enhances traceability, making it easy to connect code changes directly to specific Jira issues, providing transparency and accountability. Automation is a key feature, enabling automatic build triggering based on code changes and real-time updates of issue statuses based on build results.

The ability to customize the integration, generate comprehensive reports, and scale it as needed ensures adaptability to an organization’s unique workflows.

Altogether, this integration contributes to efficient, high-quality software development and delivery.

ZigiOps’ no-code Jenkins Jira integration improves cross-team collaboration, helps you eliminate silos and errors, brings optimizations in your workflows and processes and most importantly boosts customer and employee satisfaction.

Common challenges for Jira and Jenkins users

Both Jenkins and Jira are widely used DevOps tools. Jenkins is an open-source automation server that facilitates continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) in software development.

It helps automate the building, testing, and deployment of code changes, ensuring that software projects are developed efficiently, with improved quality, and delivered rapidly. Jira Software is one of the leading DevOps solutions on the market for planning and managing software development projects with an agile framework.

Companies should combine Jira and Jenkins to create a seamless and efficient software development and delivery pipeline.

By integrating Jira’s issue tracking and project management capabilities with Jenkins’ automation and CI/CD capabilities, teams can streamline workflows, ensuring that code changes are closely linked to project tasks and automatically built, tested, and deployed.

This integration enhances collaboration, improves visibility into project progress, and ultimately accelerates software development while maintaining high quality.

How do we solve them?

Both Jenkins and Jira are widely used DevOps tools. Jenkins is an open-source automation server that facilitates continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) in software development.

It helps automate the building, testing, and deployment of code changes, ensuring that software projects are developed efficiently, with improved quality, and delivered rapidly. Jira Software is one of the leading DevOps solutions on the market for planning and managing software development projects with an agile framework.

Companies should combine Jira and Jenkins to create a seamless and efficient software development and delivery pipeline.

By integrating Jira’s issue tracking and project management capabilities with Jenkins’ automation and CI/CD capabilities, teams can streamline workflows, ensuring that code changes are closely linked to project tasks and automatically built, tested, and deployed.

This integration enhances collaboration, improves visibility into project progress, and ultimately accelerates software development while maintaining high quality.

Concluding thoughts on the Jira Jenkins integration

The Jira-Jenkins integration with ZigiOps is a potent synergy of software development and project management, combining Jira’s issue tracking with Jenkins’ CI/CD automation.

This fusion streamlines the development pipeline, automating key processes and ensuring seamless traceability between code changes and Jira issues. It fosters collaboration, reduces manual tasks, elevates code quality, and offers insightful reporting, leading to faster development cycles and superior software outcomes.

• Poll Azure for new tasks every for 60 seconds
• Transform Azure tasks to Jira tasks based on the mapping
• Create new Jira task in ZigiOps

• Poll Jira tasks every 60 seconds
• Transform Jira task updates to the Azure task based on the mapping
• Update the corresponding Azure task based on the mapping
• Add comment to the Azure task for the new comment of the Jira task if any

• Poll Azure for changes on task item every 60 seconds
• Transform Azure task updates to the Jira task based on the mapping
• Update the corresponding Jira task based on the mapping
• Add Comment to the Jira task for the new comment of the Azure task if any

No items found.

No items found.

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