November 1, 2022

Case Study ISCeco

How ISCeco resolved service requests and improve cross-team collaboration

Case studies


ISCeco is using BMC Remedy to handle incidents, service requests and problems. External developers use their Jira to track the open issues. The ZigiOps integration platform helped to make a seamless Remedy Jira integration and this way synchronize the ISCeco customer service and external development teams, making the collaboration between them much easier and more efficient.

Thanks to the ZigiOps advanced filtering and mapping capabilities, ISCeco was able to set exact conditions to only transfer specific incidents and data fields from Remedy into Jira issues.

The integration also includes bi-directional updates  all changes are immediately updated in both directions. When there are changes in the customer service incidents in BMC Remedy, they are automatically logged in Jira, and vice versa.

With the ZigiOps seamless integration, ISCeco is able to communicate better and resolve issues in collaboration with external developers much faster.

The Client

ISCeco is located in Switzerland, with headquarters in Bern, and is the IT service provider of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs (FDEA). They focus on the integration, operation and support of the IT applications of the departments offices.

ISCeco also develops, integrates, and operates specialist applications for customers in the Federal Department of Economics, Education and Research. They are the service provider for the entire federal administration for the new GEVER Bund business management solution.

As a departmental IT service provider, ISCeco supports over 2,000 users with service requests and operational services.

Challenge Overview

The Information Service Center (ISCeco), being a departmental IT service provider is responsible for FDEAs software systems and applications used. Daily, ISCeco are handling the service requests of numerous users that need issues resolved fast. This is why their service department needs to be very focused and efficient, and they are using different automation platforms to achieve this.

External developers are using Jira to manage their tasks and projects. On the other hand, ISCeco is using BMC Remedy to deal with the high daily amount of tickets and service requests by users.

When the systems between ISCeco and external partners were not integrated, data needed to be transferred manually and this process was prone to errors and critical delays. Communication based on emails or telephone calls with all the problems of availability and misinterpretation. It was challenging to keep up with the timely resolutions of all incidents and avoid losing important details.

ISCeco needed to have automatic updates between Remedy and Jira and speed up issue resolutions, in order to enable the Federal Department to swiftly complete important tasks. Of course, security standards at ISCeco are very high, and they needed a solution that will guarantee that, as well.

After researching several options, they came to the conclusion that the ZigiOps no-code integration platform would be the easiest and fastest way to achieve what they needed.

The Solution

ZigiOps integrations are easy to set up through the friendly UI and require no coding or API knowledge. ISCeco used ZigiOps to integrate their BMC Remedy and external Jira instances.

The integration is bi-directional and completes the following tasks automatically:

  • Synchronisation of BMC Remedy Incidents and Jira Issues
  • Synchronisation of BMC Remedy Service Requests and Jira Inquiries
  • Synchronisation of BMC Remedy Problems and Jira Problems
  • Synchronisation of BMC Remedy Workorders and Jira Service Requests

For each of the above-mentioned synchronizations, following tasks are performed automatically:

  • Starting Synchronisation after certain parameters are set (like status and external partner)
  • Synchronizing all Worklogs, Tasks and Attachments bi-directionally in near-real-time
  • Stopping Synchronization after Status is set to resolved or closed by one of the systems

Integrated Data Types

BMC Remedy Incidents -> Jira Issues

BMC Remedy Service Requests -> Jira Inquiries

BMC Remedy Problems -> Jira Problems

BMC Remedy Workorders -> Jira Service Requests

Outcomes & Results

Using the ZigiOps integration platform ISCeco were able to improve cross-team and company communication and resolve incidents much faster. The various challenges that came from manual transfer of data, like delays, duplicate records or incomplete entries are now in the past. Issues are resolved faster, as the responsible team members have all the necessary details transferred to them. With the Jira Remedy integration they could optimize their processes and boost productivity.

ZigiOps helped ISCeco with:

  • Seamless bi-directional integration between Jira and BMC Remedy
  • Faster incident resolution, leading to higher user satisfaction
  • Easy configuration of the field mapping with just a few clicks
  • Ability to scale and update their integration when needed
  • Minimizing the risk of errors, delays or faulty data, since reconciliation is eliminated
  • Improved collaboration and communication between teams and partners

With the help of the ZigiOps no-code integration, our client was able to quickly solve challenges like speed of incident resolutions, communication silos and keeping up with strict user requirements. Thanks to ZigiOps, ISCeco implemented smart automation, improved IT services and boosted user satisfaction.

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